Do you send a weekly report?
I just sent out my weekly email and I use the old school PPP (Progress, Plans, and Problems) method. I wasn’t asked to start doing this a few months ago but I volunteered. In a remote world, it is amazingly simple to get disconnected from others and/or lose visibility into what’s happening. Here’s my template:
I always start with a quote and for 2022 I focus on anything/everything “hustle”. Today was:
“You can’t have a million-dollar dream with a minimum-wage work ethic.” – Stephen C. Hogan
Then, a bulletized list of things. If someone wants to know more, they will ask.
Progress – what did we accomplish in the last week?
Plans – what do we plan to accomplish next week?
Problems – what challenges are we encountering that we need help with?
Goal of the PPP?
Anyone who wants it, gets insight into the work I’m doing
The email is easy to read and relevant.
Accountability for me. I send this to a group of folks – they can forward, share and ask for more.
Bonus Goal? You can celebrate others with a quick call out.
What do you use if anything?